Est. 2011


Martinez Gassiot & C:a

Founded 1790
Owner Symington family
Vineyards None but are buying their vintage port from Quinta da Eirha Velha.
Vintage Port Brands Martinez, Quinta da Eirha Velha, Quinta do Chousa

D. Sebastian Gonzales Martinez founded the company in 1790. He was a Spaniard who sold Port, cigars and sherry from an office in Mincing Lane, in the city of London. Martinez had the inspiration. John Peter Gassiot, an Englishman who joined him in 1822, provided the stability. Together they created Martinez Gassiot and Company. Then in 1834 they acquired a lodge in Vila Nova de Gaia. John Gassiot had three sons John, Charles and Sebastian who all became partners in the firm. When Sebastian Gassiot died in 1902 he had no successors and the firm was up for sale and 1916 Arthur Nugent handled the firm follow by Donald Mac Lean till his death 1939 and then by Gilbert Eastaugh.

The company was bought by Harveys of Bristol in 1961 and as Harvey’s also bought Cockburn Smithes the following year; they were managed in close co-ordination. In 1966 Harvey’s was bought by Showerings, Vine Products and Whiteways Ltd (SVPW), which was bought by Allied Breweries in 1968 which subsequent name changes to Allied-Lyons PLC in 1981 and to Allied Domecq PLC in 1994.

In 1978 the group started making a Single Quinta Vintage Port from Quinta da Eirha Velha. The vintage 1978 was bottled by Cockburn and the following years of Martinez with the vintage 2000 being the last Eira Velha single quinta produced by Martinez. Quinta do Chousa is a part of Quinta do Tua and was in 1995 bottled as a Single Quinta Vintage Port by Martinez.

Today, since 2006, Martinez belongs to the Symington family. Cockburn Smithes has been managed by the Symington family since 2006 and was fully acquired in 2010.

Martinez Vintages:1834, 1836, 1840, 1844, 1847, 1851, 1858, 1861, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1867, 1868, 1870, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1877*, 1878, 1880, 1881, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1900, 1904, 1908, 1911, 1912, 1919, 1922, 1927, 1931, 1934, 1935, 1945, 1947, 1950, 1953, 1955, 1958, 1960, 1963, 1967, 1970, 1975, 1978, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1991, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2007
Quinta da Eira Velha Vintages:1890 (Hunt), 1896 (Hunt), 1902 (TukeHoldsworth), 1943 (Hunt, Hunt, Roope & Co), 1945 (Hunt), 1953, 1974, 1975, 1978 (Cockburn), 1982 (Cockburn), 1987, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2011
Quinta do Chousa Vintages:1995

Vintage Port tasting notes:

ColourYellow mature almost tawny in colour.Number of tastings5
BouquetWonderful crème caramel, toffee, violets, liquorice and roses in the nose.Score range16.00 - 17.75
TasteMedium body. Mature and of course peaking but not particularly old! Elegant and complex. Roses and liquorice in taste. A lovely port with a wonderful finish. Astonishing indeed!Average score16.80
Last tasted18th December 2015Point this date17.25
CommentAt home with our private wine club.
This port was bottled by UK merchant Edward Sheldon in Shipton-on-Stour, England.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourLovely yellow and mature in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetChocolate, cream candy, creme caramel, toffee and lots of other things in the nose.Score range16.25 - 17.50
TasteLovely body. Mature and peaking. Balanced with maybe some old acidity but very elegant and with a wonderful complexity and with an excellent, very long and attractive finish which never seem to end. What a lovely Port!Average score16.88
Last tasted24th February 2024Point this date17.50
CommentTasted at home with the family.
This bottle belongs to Gerda and Ole Vesterdal Private Collection.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourDark, mature tawny in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetCrème caramel and burned sugar. Very complex nose.Score range17.00 - 17.00
TasteMedium body. Mature and at its peak. Elegant and complex port with a generous and long finish.Average score
Last tasted31st May 1990Point this date17.00
CommentAt the Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen.
ColourAlmost tawny but quite nice in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetButter-scotch, cream candy but also a hint of pharmacy and hospital in the nose.Score range16.00 - 16.00
TasteMedium body. Mature and peaking and even a little old but still quite balanced and very attractive. Butter-scotch and burned sugar in taste with a nice finish. Will not be better so better drink it up!Average score
Last tasted16th November 2017Point this date16.00
CommentAt the Wine Society 18% Great Tasting in Malmö.

In 2017 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourMature quite beautiful almost tawny in colour.Number of tastings7
BouquetGinger, cinnamon, cacao, some crème caramel, mint some zest of an orange and old grocery shop in the nose.Score range16.25 - 17.25
TasteMedium body. Mature and peaking. Balanced but sweet with cinnamon, cacao, mint dark chocolate and a lot of other things in taste. Elegant and complex with a wonderful and very long finish. Attractive port! If any bottle left in your cellar just drink it and enjoy it!Average score16.56
Last tasted7th September 2019Point this date17.25
CommentTasted at the Restaurant 28+ in Gothenburg.

In 2007 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourMature yellow a little bright in colour.Number of tastings21
BouquetOld grocery shop, crème caramel, cream candy, cacao, chocolate, nuts, ginger and some herbs in the nose.Score range16.25 - 17.00
TasteMedium body. Sweet. Mature and peaking with a lovely old acidity in taste together with crème caramel, cream candy and other quite interesting tastes. Still quite elegant and complex but quite old and not at all so intensive as we are used to and a bit short finish. It is time to drink up, will not be better.Average score16.78
Last tasted15th November 2023Point this date16.25
CommentTasted at the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö.

In 2005 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings.
In 2013 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourMature yellow almost tawny in colourNumber of tastings1
BouquetLovely complex crème caramel, old grocery shop and plum in the nose.Score range16.75 - 16.75
TasteMedium body. Mature and peaking. Sweet. Elegant with some soft tannin. Easy to drink and a lovely very attractive finish.Average score
Last tasted17th November 2011Point this date16.75
CommentAt the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourMature yellow in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetLovely complex old grocery shop in the nose.Score range15.50 - 16.40
TasteMedium body. Mature and peaking. Sweet. Elegant. Easy to drink and a lovely finish but maybe a little short?Average score15.95
Last tasted13th November 2008Point this date15.50
CommentAt the Wine Society 18% Great Tasting in Malmö.
This bottle belongs to Gerda and Ole Vesterdal Private Collection.

In 2008 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourMature tawny colour.Number of tastings4
BouquetPharmacy and ether in the nose.Score range15.00 - 16.50
TasteMedium body. Simple. Easy to drink. Sweet and a nice finish.Average score15.63
Last tasted16th March 2006Point this date15.50
CommentAt the Wine Society 18% Great Tasting in Malmö.
This bottle belongs to Gerda and Ole Vesterdal Private Collection.

In 2006 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourMature beautiful yellow colour.Number of tastings5
BouquetCrème candy, crème caramel, fudge, sweet red berry and lovely spiciness in the nose.Score range15.00 - 17.25
TasteMedium body. Sweet. Mature and peaking. Balanced and very attractive and elegant. Will not be better nut is wonderful today. Easy to drink and like. Just enjoy it with a delicate and very attractive finish. Lovely port indeed!Average score16.19
Last tasted11th February 2019Point this date17.00
CommentAt the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourYellow mature, quite beautiful, almost tawny in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetButterscotch, crème caramel, roses, orange zest and some oak in the nose.Score range16.40 - 16.40
TasteMedium body. Very mature, peaking but with an elegant and attractive old acidity. Still balanced and tasty with butterscotch, crème caramel, oak and roses in the mouth. Lovely, very sweet port with a quite intensive and seductive finish.Average score
Last tasted25th December 2020Point this date16.40
CommentTasted at home with the family.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourStill rather dark ruby in colour but yellow mature rim.Number of tastings14
BouquetFudge, red whortleberry, mature raspberry, dark chocolate, some herbs and burned sugar in the nose.Score range15.75 - 16.90
TasteMedium bodied. Mature and peaking. Balanced and elegant. Taste of mature red berries, cacao and dark chocolate with a quite nice, long and quite complex finish. Easy to drink and like so drink up!Average score16.35
Last tasted17th September 2020Point this date16.75
CommentTasted at the Wine Society 18% Great Tasting in Malmö.

In 2020 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourDark but yellow mature in colour.Number of tastings6
BouquetMint, candy, lots of herbs, cacao, dark chocolate, toffee and old grocery shop in the nose..Score range15.50 - 16.00
TasteMedium body. Mature and almost peaking. Sweet but balanced. Lots of different wonderful things to taste in your mouth with a very complex and elegant and an astonishing long finish. What a lovely and surprising port!Average score15.85
Last tasted17th November 2022Point this date16.00
CommentTasted at the Wine Society 18% Great Tasting in Malmö.

In 2022 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourStill quite dark but yellow mature in colour.Number of tastings7
BouquetUnattractive bouquet of volatile acidity in the nose but also maybe some mint and herbs?Score range14.90 - 14.90
TasteMedium body. Mature but as always a little unbalanced port with volatile acidity but this time more balanced and quite attractive with no problems to swallow. The finish is decent and quite long. We have had many problems with this Vintage Port indeed!Average score
Last tasted15th November 2023Point this date14.90
CommentTasted at the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö.
At least 4 bottles have been defect.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourQuite pale ruby with a yellow and mature rim in colour.Number of tastings5
BouquetToffee, cream candy, fudge, butterscotch, herbs and much more in the nose.Score range15.90 - 16.75
TasteLovely body. Quite mature and probably peaking. Balanced with toffee, cream candy, herbs and much more in the mouth and with a complex and very elegant, lovely finish. Lovely port indeed!Average score16.35
Last tasted16th May 2024Point this date16.75
CommentTasted at the Wine Society 18% Great Tasting in Malmö.

In 2024 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourBlack in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetJuicy and fruity in the nose.
TasteQuite full-bodied. Immature and lots of tannins of course. Very juicy but a very promising finish
Last tasted15th November 1999Rating this dateImpressive
CommentAt the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourDark blue in colour with a yellow rim.Number of tastings2
BouquetFruit and old grocery shop in bouquet.Score range15.50 - 16.25
TasteMedium body. Quite developed and easy to drink. Elegant and an acceptable finish.Average score15.88
Last tasted2nd November 2009Point this date15.50
CommentAt the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourDark blue in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetQuite shy in the nose but fruity and even juicy.Score range15.50 - 15.50
TasteFull bodied and loaded with fruit. Immature and lots of tannin. Long and promising finish. Will be wonderful.Average score15.50
Last tasted26th August 2008Point this date15.50
CommentAt the Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourStill black in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetCherry and fruit bouquet.Score range16.25 - 16.25
TasteMedium body. Lots of tannin. Still very fruity and immature but with a delicious finish.Average score16.25
Last tasted2nd November 2009Point this date16.25
CommentAt the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourBlack in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetFruity and juicy in the nose.
TasteLoaded with fruit. Lots of tannins indeed and immature of course. Hard to swallow. Will be excellent I suppose.
Last tasted27th June 2009Rating this dateImpressive
CommentAt the Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 trip in Douro.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive

Old Colheita/Tawny tasting notes:

HouseFinest and Selected Old
Martinez- Gassiot
ColourQuite dark and tawny on colour with an olive-green edge.Number of tastings1
BouquetButterscotch, some toffee, crème caramel, bonbons and nuts in the nose.Bottled21 May 1958
TasteMedium body. Mature. Balance and elegant port with crème caramel and butterscotch in taste. Lovely port with a quite attractive finish. Easy to drink and to like.Score range
Last tasted17th November 2016Point this date16.75
CommentAt the Wine Society 18% Semi Great Tasting in Malmö.
This Port must be almost 100 years old.
TastersSAI, JB, SS

Last tasted:

26th January
C. da Silva 2011
25th January
Dow 1977
Quarles Harris 1977
22nd January
Fonseca 1963
19th January
Quinta do Javali 2004
Quinta do Noval 2001
17th January
Rocha 1997
10th January
Quinta da Cavadinha
Warre 1990
7th January
Burmester 1963
Burmester 1970
Burmester 1977
Burmester 1985
Burmester 1987
Burmester 1991
Burmester 1994
Burmester 1997
Burmester 1998
Burmester 1999
Burmester 2000


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