Est. 2011

About us

We are three Swedish enthusiasts of port wine and Vintage Port in particular. Located in southern Sweden we are all members of the The Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 and the Wine Society 18% in Malmö, Sweden.

  • Sten Ivarsson -
  • Jörgen Bergengrip -
  • Stefan Sällberg -
  • We would like to thank the following for their generous offer of vintage ports which they have shared with us:
    The late Ole Vesterdahl and his wife Gerda.
    (Ole was the one as crazy as Sten in Port and introduced him in the Port Wine Club)
    Anders G Åkesson

    We would also like to thank:
    The Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981
    The Wine Society 18%, Malmö, Sweden

    and of course our wives for their participation in our hobby.

    ‘The first duty of Port is to be red’
    Ernest Cockburn

    ‘Wine is a drink for boys – Port for men’

    ‘Any time not drinking port is a waste of time’
    Percy Croft

    ‘The shortest way between two people is a smile - the lasting one a glass of Port!’
    Robert Heinrich Metasch (President of The Port Wine Club est. 1981 in Copenhagen)

    ‘Be sometimes to your country true,
    Have once the public good in view.
    Bravely despise Champagne at Court,
    And choosen to dine at home with Port’

    Jonathan Swift 1793

    ‘If out of sort we stick to port
    The medicine of soul
    A ruby gleam - a tawny dream
    The vintage is the goal’

    Last tasted:

    21st July
    Wiese & Krohn 1991
    19th July
    Quinta do Vesuvio 1990
    13th July
    Smith - Woodhouse 1996
    6th July
    Quinta do Panascal
    Fonseca-Guimaraens 2008
    28th June
    Berry Bros 1997
    Fortum & Mason 2000
    16th June
    Gould Campbell 1991
    15th June
    Smith Woodhouse 1966
    14th June
    Messias 2011
    12th June
    Real Comp. Velha 2002


    Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved.