This year the Festival, on November 21 took place at the New Theater instead of at Børsen (which was damaged in a fire in April 2024). The new location worked well and the Festival was as usual well visited. It was nice to see that some brands that have been missing during the last years were now represented by the Danish importers, so there was even more port to taste than usual.

We focused on the Vintage Ports and there were quite many from the latest released Vintage, 2022, which is not generally declared but there are still some great Ports. Both Niepoort 2022 and Quinta de Vargellas (Taylor’s) 2022 are really impressive and both Quinta da Cavadinha (Warre’s) and Quinta da Romaneira are as usual well made ports that impress. This time we were also impressed by Quinta S Luiz (Kopke) 2022 and Quinta do Arnozelo (Burmester) 2022) that both are well made ports which will be nice to taste again when more mature.

Many importers of course also brought some older Vintage Ports and it was for instance possible to taste Sandeman Vintage Port from both 1967 and 1977, a good opportunity for anyone that wants to understand what a truly mature Vintage Port can be like when at its best!
For those who loves Colheita, it was possible to taste some lovely old creations like Maynard 1974 and 1963, Barros 1974 and Andresen 1968.