Croft & C:a
Founded | 1588 |
Owner | Fladgate Partnership (Taylor-Fonseca Group) |
Vineyards | Quinta da Roêda |
Vintage Port Brands | Croft, Quinta da Roêda |
Croft is one of the oldest houses in the trade. Since 1581 the monopoly of the city’s commerce had been held by the Merchants Company of York. In 1588, Henry Thompson, member of a prominent Yorkshire family, was admitted to the Company and set up a successful business trading in wine. This firm was to become the Port house in 1678. The Croft family were also distinguished members of the merchant community in York and the Thompson and Croft families certainly knew each other. However it was not until later that the Crofts would become involved in the Thompson business. By 1647 the Thompson company had acquired wine cellars in Bordeaux and had also established itself in Hull, London and Amsterdam. In 1654, England and Portugal had been close trading partners by a new treaty which awarded special privileges to English merchants trading in Portugal including entitlement to lower duties. As a result the Thompson family shifted their focus from France, which was frequently at war with Britain, to Portugal. By that time the firm was led by Richard Thompson who was responsible for transforming the family firm into a Port wine company. In 1707, Richard Thompson began a partnership with two Irishmen, Thomas Phayre and Nathaniel Bradley, the trading name changing frequently as partners joined, retired or died until the two Irishmen left the partnership and were replaced by a new partner, Benjamin Tilden, after which it adopted the name Thompson & Tilden.
The Croft family first became involved in wine shipping through their connection with the distinguished family Thompsons of York when Thomas Croft married Frances, daughter of Sir Stephen Thompson in 1681.
The Port shipping partnership resulted in that their third son, John Croft, was to join the established in 1736 at the age of 42. Shortly afterwards the company became known as Tilden, Thompson and Croft. John Croft remained a bachelor until his death in 1762. The second John Croft was well established in Oporto and active in their Port wine business, but the Crofts never lost touch with their Yorkshire origins. In his treatise, John Croft describes himself as ‘Member of the Factory at Oporto and Wine Merchant of York’. John Croft assured himself a place in history by his ‘Treatise on the wines of Portugal’, a full and detailed work published in 1788. The publication of his Treatise firmly placed the Croft family at the forefront of the Port-producing community based in Oporto. His nephew, John Croft III was born in York but spent most of his life in Portugal, remaining a partner from 1777 to 1800. It was during his time as partner that the firm produced the earliest known Vintage Port, the Croft 1781. This was followed by Vintage Ports from 1784, 1785 and 1786.
Five sons of John’s brother, Stephen, all entered the Port wine business and several went to live in Portugal. The fourth son, Thomas Croft, joined the partnership just three years after the Port wine district had been demarcated by the Marquês de Pombal. Thomas was a man of great ability and influence and the Croft family had by now become very well established and prosperous and 1827 Croft & Co. had become the fourth largest Port shipper.
The family returned to England in the nineteenth century, after the Peninsular Wars, and now there are no longer any Crofts in the firm. Nevertheless, the family maintained its affection for the fortified wines of the Douro and the late Percy Croft, who died in 1935, is credited with the famous words: ‘Any time not spent drinking Port is a waste of time.’
In 1911 the House of Croft was acquired by the Gilbeys, the distinguished English wine trade family.1952 International Destillers & Vintners which is a part of Grand Metropolitan Group acquired Croft and since 2001 it is owned and run by descendants of two old Port wine families, the Yeatman’s and Fladgate’s.
Quinta da Roêda.
It is from its own famous Quinta da Roêda, in the centre of the Douro valley, that Croft relies on its port production. The quinta was purchased by Croft in 1875.
Croft Vintages: | 1781, 1784, 1785, 1786, 1804, 1812, 1813, 1815, 1816, 1821, 1825, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1837, 1848, 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912, 1914 (Private bottling), 1917, 1920, 1922, 1924, 1927, 1931, 1933*, 1935, 1942, 1944*, 1945, 1947, 1948, 1950, 1954, 1955, 1958, 1960, 1963, 1966, 1970, 1975, 1977, 1982, 1985, 1991, 1994, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2016, 2017 |
Thompson & Croft Vintages: | 1820, 1834, 1840, 1842, 1844, 1846, 1847, 1850, 1851, 1853, 1854, 1858, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1867, 1868, 1869 (Probably 1868 but sold as 1869), 1870, 1872, 1873, 1875, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1885, 1887 |
Quinta da Roêda Vintages: | 1889, 1890, 1891, 1896, 1904, 1914 (private bottling), 1927, 1931, 1967, 1970, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1987, 1995, 1997, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2015, 2018, 2019 |
Quinta da Roêda Serikos Vintages: | 2017 |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1914 |
Colour | Beautiful mature yellow in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Vanilla, menthol, toffee, honey, candy, tea and coffee in the nose. | Score range | 17.25 - 17.25 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature, peaking and maybe a little old but elegant and balance. Menthol and much more in taste. Astonishing! Lovely and quite long and attractive finish. Unbelievable port from this year. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 25th December 2014 | Point this date | 17.25 |
Comment | At home with the family. An extra label on the bottle are saying: This bottle of Crofts 1914 vintage Port was shipped by pipe and bottled at Chester’s Brewery Co, Ardwick for the manager Mr George Smith Thomson personal use. It has not been rebottled. /G. Hoban 1989 | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1927 |
Colour | Very thin mature tawny. A bit cloudy. | Number of tastings | 4 |
Bouquet | Liquorice, delicious but some unbalanced alcohol in the nose. | Score range | 14.50 - 15.75 |
Taste | Medium body but tasty. Burned sugar in flavour. A tired old port but light and still drinkable. | Average score | 15.00 |
Last tasted | 20th September 2007 | Point this date | 14.75 |
Comment | At the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1935 |
Colour | Yellow, almost tawny in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Toffee, crème caramel and burned sugar in the nose. | Score range | 16.50 - 16.50 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature with burned sugar in flavour. Elegant, balanced and quite complex with a lovely finish. An old nice port indeed. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 20th September 2012 | Point this date | 16.50 |
Comment | At the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö. This bottle has no label just a handwritten paper saying it was Croft 1935. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1942 |
Colour | Lovely tawny in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Toffee, butterscotch, ginger, bitter almond, marzipan, gingerbread and some oak in the nose. | Score range | 17.75 - 17.75 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking with some very elegant and old acidity but completely balanced. The taste is wonderful and is dominated by toffee, ginger, butterscotch and marzipan. This port is very elegant and complex with a long, very seductive and attractive finish. Old port is lovely! | Average score | |
Last tasted | 9th January 2021 | Point this date | 17.75 |
Comment | Tasted at home with the family. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1944 |
Colour | Yellow mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Pharmacy, ether and camphor in the nose. | Score range | 16.50 - 16.50 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking. Old of course, but quite balanced, complex and attractive. Pharmacy and camphor in taste. Quite long and lovely finish. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 20th March 2014 | Point this date | 16.50 |
Comment | At the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö. This bottle was given to one member of 18%, Ander G. Åkesson, who arranged this tasting and the bottle was a gift to him in Oporto due to private reasons. Unfortunately there was no label on the bottle but he was sure about the vintage. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1945 |
Colour | Beautiful mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 2 |
Bouquet | Enormous complex, elegant bouquet of coffee, tea, cinnamon and liquorice. | Score range | 17.90 - 18.50 |
Taste | Coffee and liquorice in flavour. Full-bodied, attractive and a long, long never ending finish. Marvellous port! | Average score | 18.20 |
Last tasted | 11th March 1999 | Point this date | 17.90 |
Comment | At the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö. | Tasters | SAI, JB |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1950 |
Colour | Lovely mature and tawny in colour. | Number of tastings | 2 |
Bouquet | Toffee, fudge and burned candy in the nose. | Score range | 15.50 - 17.50 |
Taste | Medium bodied. Sweet. Mature and complex port. Toffee and fudge in taste. Still attractive and exciting with a long finish. Drink up and enjoy this port. | Average score | 16.38 |
Last tasted | 27th February 2014 | Point this date | 17.50 |
Comment | At the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1955 |
Colour | Mature, yellow quite beautiful in colour. | Number of tastings | 3 |
Bouquet | Complex and attractive nose with toffee, Christmas spiciness, roses, violets, burned sugar and crème caramel. | Score range | 15.00 - 17.00 |
Taste | Medium-body. Mature and peaking. Quite sweet but balanced and very complex port. Crème caramel, roses and spiciness in flavour. Excellent port with a long, attractive and never ended finish. | Average score | 16.33 |
Last tasted | 16th November 2017 | Point this date | 17.00 |
Comment | At the Wine Society 18% Great Tasting in Malmö. This bottle belongs to Gerda and Ole Vesterdal’s Private Collection. In 2017 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1960 |
Colour | Very yellow and mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 17 |
Bouquet | Cacao, toffee, dark chocolate, violet, figs, sweet liquorice, dried fruit, and granulated sugar in the nose. | Score range | 16.40 - 17.25 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking with some interesting acidity which maybe is too old? Cacao, toffee, dried fruits and much more in taste. Balanced, complex and with elegant the old acidity in the finish which do not lift the port today. | Average score | 16.79 |
Last tasted | 25th August 2022 | Point this date | 16.40 |
Comment | Tasting in our Private Wine Club. In 2007 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1963 |
Colour | Mature yellow quite brihgnt in colour. | Number of tastings | 19 |
Bouquet | Fudge, toffee, ginger, some cacao, coffee, lots of spiciness and old grocery shop in the nose. | Score range | 15.75 - 18.36 |
Taste | Quite full-bodied. Mature and at its peak. Toffee, fudge, cacao, some coffee and much more in taste. Fairly sweet, elegant and balanced with a delicious and long finish. Lovely port indeed. Drink it and love it! | Average score | 16.67 |
Last tasted | 23rd November 2023 | Point this date | 18.25 |
Comment | Tasted at the arrival dinner at the Port Wine Messe in Leverkusen, Germany. In 2005 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings. In 2013 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1966 |
Colour | Very beautiful pale ruby. Mature and yellow in colour. | Number of tastings | 15 |
Bouquet | Creme caramel, toffee, ginger, some cacao, crème candy, coffee, lots of spiciness and old grocery shop in the nose. | Score range | 16.50 - 17.25 |
Taste | Quite full-bodied. Mature and at its peak. Toffee, fudge, cacao, some coffee and much more in taste. Fairly sweet, elegant and balanced with a delicious and long finish. Lovely port indeed. Drink it and love it! | Average score | 17.03 |
Last tasted | 26th December 2024 | Point this date | 17.25 |
Comment | Tasted at home in 20th International Online Vintage Tasting with our German Port Friends from World of Port. In 2006 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1970 |
Colour | Quite dark but mature yellow in colour | Number of tastings | 8 |
Bouquet | Complex and elegant, crème caramel, fudge, spring flowers, roses, cacao, vanilla and a bit peppery in the nose. | Score range | 15.75 - 17.50 |
Taste | Full-bodied. Mature and peaking but may improve a little. Liquorice, vanilla and crème caramel in the taste. Elegant and complex with a very long and lovely finish. | Average score | 16.88 |
Last tasted | 23rd November 2023 | Point this date | 17.25 |
Comment | Tasted at the arrival dinner at the Port Wine Messe in Leverkusen, Germany. In 2008 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1975 |
Colour | Mature yellow in colour. | Number of tastings | 7 |
Bouquet | Complex old grocery shop with cacao, coffee and ginger in the nose. Quite generous and attractive. | Score range | 15.50 - 16.50 |
Taste | Medium bodied. Sweet. Fully mature and at its peak. Anise, cacao and some coffee in taste. Quite agreeable and attractive and a quite long finish. | Average score | 15.86 |
Last tasted | 29th September 2021 | Point this date | 16.25 |
Comment | At the Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen. In 2006 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1977 |
Colour | Beautiful, mature yellow in colour. | Number of tastings | 14 |
Bouquet | Very complex dark chocolate, candy, toffee, crème caramel, candy and sweet liquorice in the nose. | Score range | 15.00 - 17.00 |
Taste | Quite full-bodied. Excellent, matured and peaking. Will keep for a long time. Cacao, toffee, candy and crème caramel in taste. Perfect balanced and very complex port with an attractive and wonderful long finish. This is a very good port indeed. | Average score | 16.22 |
Last tasted | 16th May 2022 | Point this date | 16.50 |
Comment | Tasted at home in 8th International Online Vintage Tasting with our German Port Friends from World of Port. 1 bottle has been defect. In 2010 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1982 |
Colour | Quite beautiful, yellow mature almost tawny in colour. | Number of tastings | 9 |
Bouquet | Crème caramel, ginger-bread, cacao, fudge, liquorice and toffee in the nose. | Score range | 14.50 - 16.25 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking. Will not be better. Liquorice and toffee in taste. Easy to drink and like. Quite dry. Elegant port with a lovely and quite attractive finish. | Average score | 15.33 |
Last tasted | 20th November 2014 | Point this date | 16.25 |
Comment | At the Wine Society 18% Great Tasting in Malmö. In 2014 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1985 |
Colour | Still rather dark ruby but yellow mature rim in colour. | Number of tastings | 7 |
Bouquet | Complex with toffee, liquorice, cacao, some menthol and mint in the nose. | Score range | 16.50 - 17.00 |
Taste | Almost full-body. Rather mature but still with some very soft and attractive tannins. Will probably be better! Roasted nuts, cacao and liquorice in the taste. Elegant and quite complex with a balanced and quite long finish. | Average score | 16.73 |
Last tasted | 16th May 2022 | Point this date | 17.00 |
Comment | Tasted at home in 8th International Online Vintage Tasting with our German Port Friends from World of Port. Two bottles have been defect. In 2020 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1991 |
Colour | Dark blue with a yellow rim. | Number of tastings | 4 |
Bouquet | Minty and pharmaceutical nose. | Score range | 14.50 - 16.50 |
Taste | Medium body. Tasty and not quite mature yet but with an excellent finish. Not a long runner. | Average score | 15.33 |
Last tasted | 26th March 2007 | Point this date | 15.25 |
Comment | At the Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 1994 |
Colour | Still very dark ruby but with a yellow edge in colour. | Number of tastings | 5 |
Bouquet | Old grocery shop, cacao, dark chocolate roasted coffee, spiciness and zest of oranges in the nose. | Score range | 16.75 - 16.90 |
Taste | Full bodied. Mature and peaking but still with some soft tannins and elegant acidity and will maybe be better. Sweet and balanced with a long, quite intensive and very exciting finish. Lovely port indeed! | Average score | 16.51 |
Last tasted | 16th May 2024 | Point this date | 16.90 |
Comment | Tasted at the Wine Society 18% Great Tasting in Malmö. In 2024 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 2000 |
Colour | Still quite dark ruby but yellow and mature in rim. | Number of tastings | 6 |
Bouquet | Chocolate, cacao, coffee, toffee but also some ginger, herbs, spiciness and liquorice. | Score range | 16.50 - 16.75 |
Taste | Lovely body. Mature with some round, elegant and silky tannins. Will maybe be a little better? Balanced with taste of liquorice, toffee, chocolate and much more. Quite sweet with a rather long, quite complex and very attractive finish. | Average score | 16.58 |
Last tasted | 5th June 2024 | Point this date | 16.50 |
Comment | Tasted at home with the family. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 2003 |
Colour | Garnet in colour, with a yellow mature edge. | Number of tastings | 6 |
Bouquet | Mulberry, strawberry, blackberry bur also cacao, dark chocolate, French plums and toffee in the nose. | Score range | 15.00 - 16.00 |
Taste | Almost full-bodied. Rather mature but might develop a bit further. Quite developed and rounded tannins. Dark berry, dried fruit, cacao and dark chocolate in flavour. Quite long and attractive finish. | Average score | 15.54 |
Last tasted | 23rd April 2024 | Point this date | 15.40 |
Comment | Tasted at the Big Fortified Tasting in London, Great Britain. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 2011 |
Colour | Black almost black in colour. | Number of tastings | 2 |
Bouquet | Still lots of dark berry such as mulberry, blue berry and dark cherry, and fruit in the nose but also liquorice. | Score range | 16.00 - 16.00 |
Taste | Medium body. Immature with lots of tannin and loaded with dark berries and fruit. Will of course improve. Very promising and attractive with a lovely and tannic finish. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 27th June 2020 | Point this date | 16.00 |
Comment | Tasted at home with the family. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Croft | Vintage | 2017 |
Colour | Very dark ruby indeed in colour. | Number of tastings | 3 |
Bouquet | Dark berries such as mulberry, black berry, black current, dark cherry but also raisin and a hint of eucalyptus in the nose. | ||
Taste | Full-bodied. Loaded with soft and delicate tannins but balanced and elegant. Lots of dark berries, raisins but also quite minty in taste. This is a concentrated and lovely port with a long life ahead. | ||
Last tasted | 26th November 2021 | Rating this date | Impressive/ Very Impressive |
Comment | At the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany. Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |