Est. 2011

W. N. Starling

W. N. Starling

This Port was named after ship names from the General Stream Navigation Company’s ship taking Port Wine to England during the 1880s. All ships have names after birds and often the port label was named after the ship and not the house.

W. N. Starling Vintages:1887 (Taylor), 1890

Vintage Port tasting notes:

HouseW N Starling
Believed Taylor
ColourBeautiful, bright yellow mature in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetWonderful bouquet of crème caramel, toffee, fudge, cream candy, lilac and bitter almond.Score range18.25 - 18.25
TasteMedium body. Still completely knit together. Mature and of course for us peaking and perfect. Balanced and complex port with a long and very attractive finish. Unbelievable!Average score
Last tasted20th December 2015Point this date18.25
CommentAt home with the family.
Sold by Christie as believed Taylor. Starling was the ship who brought the port to England. All those ships have names after birds. This is believed to be bottled by Hunter’s of Bury St. Edmunds and re-corked by Hunter & Oliver around 1934. This is Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee Vintage.
TastersSAI, JB, SS

Last tasted:

26th January
C. da Silva 2011
25th January
Dow 1977
Quarles Harris 1977
22nd January
Fonseca 1963
19th January
Quinta do Javali 2004
Quinta do Noval 2001
17th January
Rocha 1997
10th January
Quinta da Cavadinha
Warre 1990
7th January
Burmester 1963
Burmester 1970
Burmester 1977
Burmester 1985
Burmester 1987
Burmester 1991
Burmester 1994
Burmester 1997
Burmester 1998
Burmester 1999
Burmester 2000


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