Est. 2011


Tribute Palmer To the everlasting memory of Samuel Palmer a Port Wine trade pioneer

Founded 2014
Owner Fernando and Alvaro van Zeller

Samuel Palmer was one of the first three exporting port wine to England during the 17th century. In 1685 he bought Casa de Melladas, and it was owned by the family for more than 200 years, but during the late 2000th century it was sold to Amorim family. Samual Palmer is a relative to today's van Zeller family. Fernando and Alvaro van Zeller has now started this brand even if they already have houses as Barao de Vilar, Maynard and Feuerheerd.

Palmer Vintages:2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020

Vintage Port tasting notes:

ColourVery dark ruby in colour.Number of tastings4
BouquetMulberry, blackberry and lots of fruit in the nose.Score range15.75 - 15.75
TasteMedium body. Immature and still of course very tannic but will of course improve. Balanced and very interesting with mulberry and blackberry in taste. Easy to drink and enjoy but quite dry. The finish is quite complex and attractive. A lovely port indeed.Average score
Last tasted29th February 2020Point this date15.75
CommentAt the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourDark ruby in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetMulberry, blackberry and dark berry in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Lovely tannin but easy to enjoy already today. Balanced and quite elegant with a taste of mulberry and blackberry and a nice, lovely finish.
Last tasted5th November 2018Rating this dateVery Good/ Impressive
CommentAt the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS

Old Colheita/Tawny tasting notes:

HouseVery Very Old (>80 year old)
ColourVery beautiful deep tawny in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetCandy, cream candy, burned sugar, crème caramel, nuts and much more in the nose.Bottled2023
TasteQuite full-bodied. Mature and peaking. Balanced and elegant acidity. Marvellous, long and very attractive finish.Score range
Last tasted6th November 2023Point this date17.75
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.
TastersJB, SS
HouseWhite Port PalmerColheita1962
ColourBeautiful yellow amber in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetOrange zest, oak, nuts, burned sugar, herbs and dried fruit in the nose.Bottled2019
TasteMedium body but mature and very elegant. Will and can not be better so just enjoy and drink it. Perfect balanced with lots of taste in the mouth of nuts, orange zest, oak and much more. Difficult to explain all things you feel in the taste and the finish is just wonderful.Score range16.90 - 16.90
Last tasted23rd April 2024Point this date16.90
CommentTasted at the Big Fortified Tasting in London, Great Britain.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourStill very dark indeed but with a tawny edge.Number of tastings2
BouquetLovely, burned bouquet with roasted nuts, roasted coffee beans, raisin and burned sugar in the nose.Bottled2018
TasteQuite full-bodied. Mature and peaking. Balanced with a lovely acidity. Very complex with roasted nuts, raisin, coffee and some burned sugar in taste. The finish is massive and lingered and seems never to end. A memorable port indeed!Score range17.40 - 17.50
Last tasted4th March 2023Point this date17.50
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourTawny in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetButterscotch, old grocery shop, roasted nuts, burned sugar and much more in the noseBottled2019
TasteMedium body. Balanced, mature and peaking- Very tasty and complex and with a very elegant and long finish. Very easy to drink and very enjoyable with a long and quite complex finish.Score range
Last tasted29th February 2020Point this date16.50
CommentTasted in the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourBeautiful tawny in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetBee wax, butterscotch, burned sugar, roasted nuts and roasted oak in the nose.Bottled2019
TasteMedium body. Balanced and very elegant in taste. Mature and peaking with a very attractive taste of roasted nuts, coffee and much more in the mouth. Very interested and intensive with a quite wonderful finish. Just drink it and think: life is wonderful!Score range
Last tasted29th February 2020Point this date16.50
CommentTasted in the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark.
This bottle was a Magnum
TastersSAI, JB, SS

Last tasted:

26th January
C. da Silva 2011
25th January
Dow 1977
Quarles Harris 1977
22nd January
Fonseca 1963
19th January
Quinta do Javali 2004
Quinta do Noval 2001
17th January
Rocha 1997
10th January
Quinta da Cavadinha
Warre 1990
7th January
Burmester 1963
Burmester 1970
Burmester 1977
Burmester 1985
Burmester 1987
Burmester 1991
Burmester 1994
Burmester 1997
Burmester 1998
Burmester 1999
Burmester 2000


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